About me

I am an 18 year old fetus in the grand scheme of things, hoping to carve out my own space in the world wide web and share my work with the earth. I currently dabble in Photoshop, after effects, and Vegas Pro, and any and all work you may stumble upon when looking through this website is made by me. On this website, I am currently trying to go for a psx-esque look, if that makes any sense. I plan to use this website as my portfolio site, but I also want to have a little bit of fun with the way things are layed out.
What even is a professionalism, am I right?
I'm currently putting all my time and focus into learning how to code, as recently I have felt quite a power trip being (hypothetically) able to do and create so many amazing things, such as this website, video games, and even programs that could aid people in a multitude of ways. I only started taking coding seriously as of September 2021, so I still have a many ways to go when it comes to html, css, Javascript, and many more!
My main drive is mostly just the potential I have, and the idea of creating something I am truly proud of, whether big or small, preferably big though. I currently have my hand in a little bit of everything, such as art, music, videography, coding, and writing, which will all one day cultivate into an amazing magnum opus that I will be able to show off to my grandkids with pride. Or maybe not, but let's manifest for now ;)
Email me with any questions or requests, whether it be commision requests or friend requests, I'm always around to lend a hand in whichever way I can.